Afghanistan TeleEducation
The future of Afghanistan depends on its empowered and educated people.
Let us empower them boldly...

A dragonfly is a symbol of change, transformation and self-realization. It teaches us to love life, to rejoice and have faith even amidst difficulties.
The Dragonfly Task Force for tele-education has three specific mission objectives: Engage Stakeholders, Establish Funding, and Implement State of the Art Educational Programs for Afghanistan, leveraging technology as a leapfrog tool that addresses all stakeholder concerns.
The Task Force Committees are accordingly organized based on above mission objectives, charged with developing effective strategies and solutions.
Iliad A. Terra
Ahmad Wali Shairzay
Naeem Ayubzada
Aaron Vasnath
Edward Corcorans
Funding & Resources
Paul Stevers
Elnaz Ghanbaryfar
Leigh Ann Bradley
Myra Chung
Naser Khan
Eagle Academy
Teachers & Content
Rod Brame
Nicholas Sabato
Richard Anderson
Suleman Kakar
Jenni Prisk
Aziz Amir
General John Bradley
Jan Bradley

All discussion items and initiatives that were shared were highly constructive and positive, and they especially pertained to the ground realities and conditions in the context. The objectives and goals for this roundtable session were threefold as follows:
1. To identify resources and capabilities that can be brought to bear on this urgent issue.
2. To brainstorm and mind-map effective strategies for challenges facing Afghanistan.
3. To establish a broad and diverse network of dedicated NGOs, vendors, and leaders to help chart actional paths forward.
Next Steps
The result of the roundtable was likewise astounding.
The panelists identified that the collective use of technology, much of which is available and accessible within the network of participants, is a unique opportunity to support and leapfrog capacity for the Afghan nation.
Additionally, CGR and members of the roundtable identified key resources and commitment to developing aggregate funding resources accessible to the network.
The funding effort will be directed through specific and focused projects.
Therefore, CGR has decided to move forward with the development of a comprehensive tele-education program for Afghanistan, leveraging the strengths and resources of the network.
Roundtable members have been invited to submit their interest in participating in the Afghan Tele-Education Task Force. We will update the result of the Task Force findings and the participating members on this platform in March 2023.
To join please contact [email protected]
Strategic Resources
In the meantime, we are pleased to share resources and links provided by some of the presenters for our collective use. As the Task Force proceeds forward, we will populate other resources for the team and the broader community.
CGR recognizes that it takes collective like-minded leaders and supporters to bring about effective and lasting change that makes the world a better place. If you would like to post resources on this platform, please reach out to us, and we would be glad to include them in the roster.