CGR brings innovative leadership and advanced design thinking solutions to the challenges and projects we undertake.
We understand leadership as an act of deep listening and commitment to stewardship of that which is under our care; and we endeavor to provide holistic and highly integrated solutions that are dynamic, resilient, and scalable.
We leverage both in-house expertise as well as subject matter experts throughout our broad network of strategic partners and sister organizations to the right blend of knowledge, innovation, and leadership to the table that is responsive to the current and future demands of the projects.
Whether the task at hand is to develop a strategic plan of action for a regional client, the draft of a comprehensive and deep dive analysis and report, or the master plan and development of next-gen and highly sustainable communities, we leverage integrated concepts and development on the basis of sustainable and generative living that creates a dialogue between society and the individual, blending advanced technologies with historic and natural narratives for an organic continuum of the human story.

Leading with Technology
One of our core passions is displaced people, refugees as well as IDPs. CGR is actively working with multinational organizations and NGOs worldwide to develop alternative solutions to address the displaced population crises that our world community faces.
While frequently we see refugee problems in war-torn regions and famine hit communities, we recognize that this problem is equally prevalent in first world nations. Veteran populations, inner city neighborhoods, as well as rural communities in the United States suffer greatly due to lack of resources, effective policy, and integrated technology utilization.
CGR collaborates with a sophisticated and advanced team of technology partners in Israel and the United States, including alfa8 and CICL to bring the latest technology-driven solution that are dynamic, and inter-operable, and are easily scaled. We lead the way with sourcing layered innovation and asymmetric design thinking to identify missed opportunities, and ultimately add one plus one and generate new possibilities.

CGR Tech-Drive Design Think Areas of Focus
Self Sustaining
Upgradable Design
Mobile and Manufacturing
Economy of Scale
Net Positive Energy, Water, Waste
Regenerative Design
Biospheric Design
Metrics for Intelligent Perfomance
Engaging Design for Mix-Generations
Capacity Building for Migrant Populations
Advanced Population Centers
Disaster and Conflict Zones
National Security Impact
Planetary Resource Management
Sacred Geometry
Natural Principles
Generative Forms